
Dropbox issues on Elementary OS Freya

As I tried out Elementary OS, everything went extremely smoothly except for one thing, which had never given me any issues on any Linux distributions, “Dropbox”. First of it did not start, I could not get to the page where one needs to put in his login details. I was using the latest .deb file from Dropbox’s website. The solution to that was to install from the command line using

 sudo apt-get install nautilus-dropbox 

But now, the issue is the icon in the system tray won’t show up. The solution to that is to stop dropbox and manually restart it with the correct options which can be done by

dropbox stop
env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity dropbox start 

However, this is not the most convenient and personally I would like dropbox to start with the icon as soon as I log in. To do that, first the autostart of dropbox has to be disabled using

dropbox autostart n

and then in System Settings->Applications->Startup add this new custom command

env XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity dropbox start

so that it finally looks like
Screenshot from 2015-07-19 11:29:52